Lhomithi Colony, Sewak Road
Dimapur-797112, Nagaland

Article 1- Nomenclature
Article 2- Motto
Article 3- Emblem
Article 4- (i) Jurisdiction/area of operation
(ii) Official Address
Article 5- Aims & objectives
Article 6- Membership
Article 7- Office bearers of the association
Article 8- Associate Members of the association
Article 9- Tenure of the officials/office bearers
Article 10- (i) Elution of the office bearers
(ii) Sub-Committees
Article 11- Powers & functions of the office bearers
(1) The President
(2) The Vice President
(3) The General Secretary
(4) The Joint Secretary
(5) The Finance Secretary
(6) The Organizing Secretary
(7) The Public Relations Secretary
(8) The Treasurer
(9) The Auditors
Article 12- (i) General Body
(ii) Meeting of the General Body
(iii) Quorum of the General Body
Article 13- Meetings of the Association
Article 14- Impeachment of the Office Bearers
Article 15- Amendment of the constitution

In order to foster a spirit of partnership between the Alumni
and the institution for the overall development of the
institution, we hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this
constitution on this day the 25th of Month March Year 2016.
Article 1: Nomenclature/Title: the nomenclature of the association shall
be called “Pranabananda Women’s College Alumni Association”, which
under abbreviated form shall be PWCAA’.
Article 2: Motto: the motto of the association shall be To Serve, To Inspire”.
Article 3: Emblem:
i. The logo of the association shall be its Emblem.
ii. The logo shall be the official mark of the association and shall
accompany the names of the association in all forms of
presentations/representatives of the association.
iii. The logo shall be a simple presentation of the association’s
abbreviated form of its nomenclature graphically designed.
iv. The color of the logo shall be black and gold.
Article 4: Clause (i): Jurisdiction/area of operation: it shall cover the district
of Dimapur and the activities will be apolitical in nature which will limit only for
the purpose of overall development of the institution.
Clause (ii): Official Address: The official address of the association
shall be-
Pranabananda Women’s College Alumni Association.
C/O. Pranabananda Women’s College,
Lhomithi Colony, Sewak Road
Dimapur-797112, Nagaland
Article 5: Aims & Objectives-
i. To foster the spirit of belongingness between the institution and the
ii. To keep track regarding the professional developments of the Alumni.
iii. To encourage the Alumni in taking steps and organizing activities for
the holistic growth of the institution.
iv. To receive feedbacks about the institution from the Alumni.

Article 6: Membership
i. Ex-students who have graduated from this institution are eligible for
membership subjected to the laid down rules & regulations of the
ii. Membership fee of Rs. 100/- only shall be realized per annum which
may increase from time to time.
Article 7:Office bearers of the association-
The association shall consist of the following officials
i. President
ii. Vice President
iii. General Secretary
iv. Joint Secretary
v. Finance Secretary
vi. Public Relations Secretary
vii. Organizing Secretary
viii. Treasurer
Article 8: Associate Members of the association-
Associate members of the association shall comprise of 4 members and to be
drawn from amongst the teaching faculty along with the Vice-President of the
Association as Advisor.
Article 9:Tenure of the officials/office bearers
The tenure of the officials/office bearers of the association shall be for a period
of 2 years term only which can be re-entered/re-elected/re-nominated for a
second consecutive term during the annual general meeting.
Article 10: Clause (i) Elution of the office bearers
Any registered members/office bearers can be either eluted/selected by the
general body from among the alumni fraternity. Other than that, no individual
outside the Pranabian student community shall be included in the Alumni
Clause (ii) Sub-Committees
The association shall as and when necessary constitute sub-Committee(s) for
any specific purpose. This committee(s) shall cease to exist after the
completion/success of the specific purpose(s)/project(s).

Article 11: Powers & functions of the office bearers
1. The President:
i) She shall be the head of the association and shall discharge the powers
in carrying out the duties of the Association.
ii) She is empowered to call and conduct all meetings of the Association
and shall act as the chief presider of all meetings.
iii) She is empowered to call any emergency meetings of the Association.
iv) She shall be the head of the General Body.
v) She shall be the chief representative of the Association.
vi) She shall be the joint signatory of operating bank account(s).
vii) She shall propose ideas & plans to achieve the aims & objectives of
the Association.
viii) She shall be a member of the audit committee.
ix) She shall have the financial discretionary power to utilize a sum of up
to Rs. 3000/-only (three thousand) from the Association’s fund to meet
the requirements/expenses of the Association or in case of any
emergency requirement(s).
2. The Vice-President:
i) She shall assist the president in all the affairs/activities related with the
welfare of the association.
ii) In the absence of the president, she shall discharge the duties and
functions of the president.
3. The General Secretary:
i) She shall issue notices of the meetings, make correspondences as per
the directives of the President.
ii) She shall be the custodian of all the records of the association.
iii) She shall co-sign all deeds, bonds, agreements etc on behalf of the
association in consultation and with the approval of the President and
the association.
iv) She shall be the joint signatory of the operating bank account(s).
vii) She shall have the financial discretionary power to utilize a sum of up
to Rs. 1000/-only (one thousand) from the association’s fund to meet the
requirements/expenses of the association or in case of any emergency
4. The Joint Secretary:
i) She shall assist the General Secretary and act as General Secretary
in/during her absence.

5. The Finance Secretary:
i) She shall maintain proper cash account and cash book.
ii) She shall be responsible for safe keeping of all the cash received and
maintain all expenditure statement of the association in detail.
iii) All cash shall be deposited in any commercial bank which shall be
jointly operated by the Finance Secretary and the President.
iv) She shall prepare the Annual Financial Report and submit the same
along with the audit report to the association one month ahead of the
general meeting.
6. The Public Relations Secretary:
i) She shall help build trust and credibility with the Alumni/groups that
are important to the association.
ii) She shall help raise awareness about the association as well as give it a
chance to define, control and distribute its message to those both inside
and outside the association.
iii) She shall help/promote/communicate during a crisis (if any) or
defends the reputation of the association.
iv) She shall be responsible for handling all aspects of planned publicity
campaigns and public relation activities.
7. The Organizing Secretary:
i) She shall be responsible for organizing events/programmes/activities
related with the welfare of the association.
ii) She shall propose innovative ideas &plans in order to uplift the
8. The Treasurer:
i) She shall look after the coffer of the association.
ii) She shall be a member of the audit committee.
iii) She shall be the joint signatory of the operating bank account(s).
iv) She shall keep proper accounts that show all monies collected and
paid out by the association.
9. The Auditors:
i) There shall be two auditors who will check all the cash transactions of
the association annually and submit the same to the association through the
Finance Secretary for the final report at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Article 12: (i) General Body: The General Body of the association shall
comprise of all the bonafide registered members of the
(ii)Meeting of the General Body:

a. There shall be two General Meeting in a year.
b. The President shall summon the General Body Meeting.
c. In case of any emergency arising, the President is
empowered for conveying the General Body Meeting with
formal approval of the association and which shall be
relayed at least 3 (three) days ahead.
(iii) Quorum of the General Body: The quorum of the General
Body Meeting shall be 2/3rd(two third) majority of the total
members present.
Article 13:Meetings of the Association:
i) There shall be 6 (Six) Executive Meetings in a year.
ii) In case of emergency/needs, more meetings may be held as and
when required.
iii) The General Secretary in consultation and with the
endorsement of the President can summon for an Emergency
Executive Meeting as and when required, provided prior
information relayed to the concerned members.
Article 14: Impeachment of the Office Bearers:
i) An official who misuse the office for her own personal benefits
shall be impeached from the association after giving opportunity
of being heard and on finding her guilt of the offence.
ii) An official who fails to attend (3) three consecutive Executive
Meeting shall be liable to be removed from the association unless
shall justify her absence to the authority if the association in
Article 15: Amendment of the constitution:
i) Amendment of the constitution shall be made with the change
of time and incorporate as per necessities as and when required
for the interest of the institution by constituting a sub-committee
for the same.
ii) The amended drafted constitution shall be deliberated by the
officials of the association and then presented in the General Body
Meeting for approval.